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Photo 1 of First Floor Office At, 51a Main Street, Newcastle

First Floor Office At, 51a Main Street, Newcastle BT33 0AD

£5,400 / year

Key Information

Key Features

  • Rent: £5400 per annum plus Rates
  • Rent payable quarterly or monthly in advance
  • NAV: £3700 (£2147.98 - 2024)
  • First Floor Office

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What's your property really worth?

Our qualified valuation experts at Bradley NI would love to visit your property and give you a free initial valuation, along with some helpful advice to make the most of your investment.

Additional Information

Located on a prime area of Main Street this first floor office comprises of four rooms with two overlooking Main Street, with a total floor area of approximately 600 sq ft.

Accommodation Comprises:
Office (1): 13' 9'' x 13' 1'' (4.19m x 3.98m)
Office (2): 17' 4'' x 13' 1'' (5.28m x 3.98m)
Office (3): 7' 9'' x 13' 0'' (2.36m x 3.96m)
Office (4): 9' 0'' x 10' 8'' (2.74m x 3.25m)
Cloakroom with W.C
Viewings: By appointment with the agents.
These particulars do not constitute any part of an offer or contract. None of the statements contained in these particulars are to be relied on as statements or representations of fact and any intending purchasers must satisfy himself by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of the statements in these particulars. The vendor does not make or give, and neither James Wilson & Son, nor any person in their employment, has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property. No appliances or equipment have been tested. Purchasers should satisfy themselves with regard to such items.
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